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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Gears of War 3 Fail!

     So a couple weeks ago I was playing Gears of War 3 on insane in arcade mode.    And stumbled upon a glitch that honestly I found rather fitting of the one of the playable co-op characters, Jace.  Here's my view on this character.  Jace is a "meh" character.  Since this is the first Gears game that has 4 player co-op Epic needed to make a couple new characters for when you're not paired with the classic duo's; Marcus and Dom, Cole and Baird.  Epic's answer to this, is Anya, another Carmine brother(seriously how many beefy low IQ brothers does this family have?), and new characters Sam, and Jace.  Sam's character really actually likable, think of her like a female version of Baird, minus the go-to repair guy.

But Jace... well Jace is... how to put this...  Well I think this video I made puts my point across.

Video from my Youtube page.  Please rate and subscribe.

     I personally would have rather had another Carmine brother, hell make them twins.  That could have been fine.  But thankfully it wasn't Ice-T.  Cause lets be honest his addition to Gears 3 was awful. The character Griffin was dumb, and his voice acting was terrible.  Then the awful "Gears of War" song in  the end credits...  Ice-T just stick to Law and Order, that seems to be working out for you alright.  I mean you have that and Coco...  so you're... doing... fine.

I don't want to come off like I don't like Gears of War 3 at all, cause honestly gameplay, graphics and the new additions of Beast Mode and to Horde.   I think Gears 3 is the best of the series, and I play it almost every day.  


  1. Jace is actually a character from the books.

    But spot on about Ice T, he really is horrible. You must have hit a soft spot because Ice T mentioned you on his Twitter lol

  2. Ice was a good addition to the game that brought some personality to the storyline. It was a great change of pace at a needed time.

  3. I agree. Just when I thought the Gears storyline couldn't get any more bland, BAM! how about some Ice TEEEEEEWEWWEEEEE!!! Oh my lord. Can we sign Vanilla Ice for the next Modern Warfare while we are in the habit of hiring washed up artists to do our publicity?

  4. That glitch is pretty much you and Anya blocking his AI path from exiting the fire. He only as 1 other option and that's into the fire.

  5. @Matt A I havent ready and of the lore outside of the games campaigns and collectables. Knowing that Jace is from books makes more sense.

    @Vito197666 It's not in the video cause I didn't realize what was happening but he was doing it before I was able to turn the fire off, he'd just keep walking to the fire and Anya would revive that was when I went over there and started recording. We're not blocking him he just keeps running into the fire.

  6. Gears of War 3 has so many improvements and new features compared to Gears 1 and 2 and blowing two games out of the park. The line is smooth and not rigged and classify the entire game low because we did not get beta unlocks which is ridiculous.
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